Table of Contents

Security Use Cases

- draft - draft - draft - draft -

Security goals on a GNU/Linux system, and how they could be enforced with RSBAC modules. This papers wants to be exhaustive (e.g : nearly all possible cases), but is far from it at the moment. Feel free to comment / add notes / fill parts / underline abiguous parts…

What do you protect on a GNU/Linux system ?

Type Description
FILE data
DIR data
FIFO communication
DEV data
IPC communication
SCD data
USER data
NETDEV communication
NETTEMP communication
NETOBJ communication
NETTEMP_NT communication
NONE data?
FD data

What kind of data ?

(system+private = mail ?)
(security+private = ssh_keys ?)

What kind of resources ?

You can protect a resource using the RES module, then protect the RES module's data with other protection schemes.

What kind of services ?

What kind of execution ?

What kind of communication ?