Installing from Source

Before we start, let's explain the process and your different choices.

  1. Patch the kernel yourself (if you want to put in more patches by yourself)
    Each RSBAC release consists of 3 parts:
  2. Use the classic prepatched kernel (only contain RSBAC and the vanilla kernel)
  3. Use the enhanced RSBAC kernel (hardened custom prepatched kernel, with third-party security patches like PaX, though non-RSBAC patches may not be fully supported by the RSBAC Team)

We will first build and install your kernel, and then the administration tools, required for RSBAC administration.

Building and installing the administration tools is straight forward and will be covered in the next section. You will be able to choose if you want or not have support for gettext (for non-glibc users), among other options.

Table of Contents: RSBAC Handbook
Previous: Choosing the right package
Next: Downloading, configuring, and installing the RSBAC Linux kernel from source
Alternative: Downloading and installing the RSBAC administration tools