=>  Releases

Current version
Git/Latestdiff: 1.5.6

Latest Snapshots
Produced after each commit or rebase to new upstream version

RSBAC source code, can be unstable sometimes

=>  Events

No events planned

All the RSBAC code is copyrighted © 1997-2018 by Amon Ott (except where explicitly stated otherwise in the code), and published under the GNU General Publishing License v2. Please consult the RSBAC copyright notice for details.

The RSBAC source code depends on original Linux kernel source trees.

Only recent long term kernels are supported. If you need support for other kernel versions, please give us a note. All source packages have been signed either with Amon Ott's (GnuPG, PGP) key or kang's GnuPG key.

Please follow the documentation for installation instructions and user manual.

Download latest code

Please download from latestdiff directory or with Git. New kernel versions come up so frequently that official releases make no longer any sense.

Sample Git URL: git://

RSBAC admin utilities

Please remember that your RSBAC admin utilities version should match your RSBAC kernel patch version. You will also need the version specific kernel patch available in the section below, «Kernel patches»

Outdated: Last released version: 1.5.0

(Released on Tuesday, September 13, 2016)

Outdated: Please download snapshots or with Git!

Deprecated previous versions

Reset download mirror selection

Latest kernel patches

Latest kernel patches are available from latestdiff download dir.

Last released version: 1.5.0

From RSBAC version 1.4.4 onwards, the RSBAC common archive has been included into the kernel patch.

Download patches

Official pre-patched kernels

Pre-patched, supported, and ready to compile kernels. Only contains RSBAC and the usual vanilla Linux kernel

Current version: 1.5.0

RSBAC is developed with git.

All RSBAC code is kept in the GIT repositories at git://, the read-only Web interface is available at

Previously, RSBAC was developed using SVN and SVK. The previous repositories can be found at: svn:// and the read-only Web interface is available at

Some pre-merged git repositories with RSBAC and PaX are at

2.4 kernel support

The RSBAC team stopped 2.4 kernel support with the 1.4.2 RSBAC release.

Current version: 1.4.1

Released in February, 2009

Third Party Binary Packages

Please also have a closer look at the RSBAC ready distributions.

Live CDs

Test RSBAC with a Debian based live CD, or use it on a USB key you can bring everywhere.

It let you to fully test RSBAC functions without having to install it.

Just insert the CD or USB key, and try it out !


Preversions of upcoming RSBAC releases

These versions are not well tested but usually contain the most up to date RSBAC code

download.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/09 16:44 by ao

download.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/09 16:44 by ao
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