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RSBAC source code, can be unstable sometimes

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These Linux kernel compile benchmarks have been run on a SuSE Linux 7.0 Pentium 100 system with kernel 2.2.18 and with RSBAC version 1.1.0. Three benchmark runs each, in single user mode right after boot, produced the following average times:

Kernel type Total time Kernel + User Kernel time User/Process time
Clean kernel 1858s 1857s 69s 1788s
RSBAC without modules 1884s (+1.3%) 1877s (+1.1%) 82s (+18.8%) 1795s (+0.4%)
RSBAC with FF, AUTH, RC, ACL modules 1967s (+5.9%) 1959s (+5.5%) 167s (+142%) 1792s (+0.2%)
documentation/benchmarks/2.2.18.txt · Last modified: 2006/05/02 13:40 by

documentation/benchmarks/2.2.18.txt · Last modified: 2006/05/02 13:40 by
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