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Back to igraltist's experiences / RC Modules


What should protect with this setup?

This files and directories are taken from default installation on GNU/Linux Debian.

  1. Configurationfiles
    • /etc/apache2
  2. Apaches Logfiles
    • /var/log/apache2
  3. Datas to server
    • /var/www
RC Roles

Create two Roles and assign this to the apache binary.

rc_set_item ROLE 12 name "Apache_Server"
rc_set_item ROLE 13 name "Apache_Worker"
attr_set_file_dir FILE "/usr/sbin/apache2" rc_initial_role 12
attr_set_file_dir FILE "/usr/sbin/apache2" rc_force_role 13
wiki/experiences/igraltist/rc/apache2.txt · Last modified: 2009/05/02 19:10 by

wiki/experiences/igraltist/rc/apache2.txt · Last modified: 2009/05/02 19:10 by
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