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Back to igraltist's experiences / RC Modules

Test Login


To test if its works, login and type,


it's should show the assigned Role of the user.

Next is to test if the correct filepermission is obtain when create a file in the user homedirectory.

touch create_test
ls -la create_test

This should show you the correct filepermission of the logged in user.

Test visit other users homedirectories


Login as root user.

rc_get_current_role: current role is 2

Test the ``rc_fd_type`` on home users direcorty As root user:

ls /home/jens
Sun May 10 17:21:10 2009 :<7>0000001387|check_comp_rc(): pid 7966 (ls), owner 0, rc_role 2, DIR rc_type 1000, request   GET_STATUS_DATA -> NOT_GRANTED!
Sun May 10 17:21:10 2009 :<6>0000001388|rsbac_adf_request(): request GET_STATUS_DATA, pid 7966, ppid 1216, prog_name ls, prog_file /bin/ls, uid 0, remote ip, target_type DIR, tid Device 254:01 Inode 178471 Path /home/jens, attr none, value none, result NOT_GRANTED by RC

You can see the RC role 2 has no rights on the rc_type_fd 1000 which was created bevor.

The next is,

cat /proc/rsbac-info/rmsg

A ``tail -f /security/log/security-log`` as security user:

Sun May 10 17:26:23 2009 :<7>0000001389|check_comp_rc_scd(): pid 7967 (cat), owner 0, rc_role 2, scd_type 9, request GET_STATUS_DATA -> NOT_GRANTED!
Sun May 10 17:26:23 2009 :<6>0000001390|rsbac_adf_request(): request GET_STATUS_DATA, pid 7967, ppid 1216, prog_name cat, prog_file /bin/cat, uid 0, remote ip, target_type SCD, tid rsbac_log, attr none, value none, result NOT_GRANTED by FF RC AUTH ACL
wiki/experiences/igraltist/rc/testing.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/13 05:59 by

wiki/experiences/igraltist/rc/testing.txt · Last modified: 2012/05/13 05:59 by
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