=>  Releases

Current version
Git/Latestdiff: 1.5.6

Latest Snapshots
Produced after each commit or rebase to new upstream version

RSBAC source code, can be unstable sometimes

=>  Events

No events planned

General impression of RSBAC

  • Pros
    • Very powerful enhancement of LINUX kernel
    • Nice design, which allows bunch off cool features like transaction, secure_delete, fd hiding…
    • Cool community, still small but efficient and reactive
  • Cons
    • The lack of documentations for some modules
    • You need strong knowledge of UNIX system to setup well RSBAC policies
    • For a best enforcement, small changes must be done to distribution (like restoring dynamic fd (/proc, /dev, shm))
    • Their isn't any reference policies for now


Howto use rsbac git repository

Here is a quick'N dirty way to follow rsbac code sources:

step Command Desc
wiki/experiences/tweety.txt · Last modified: 2010/07/08 21:15 by

wiki/experiences/tweety.txt · Last modified: 2010/07/08 21:15 by
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