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Back to igraltist's experiences /RSBAC RC

RC Module

RC Testsetup

Default RSBAC with RC module is used this roles:

  • Gerneral_User 0
  • Role_Admin 1
  • System_Admin 2
  • Auditor 3

to run the system.

The permission for this roles are hardcoded in RSBAC code itself. Otherwise the system wont work. Bevor set any specific RC role for a service you can detach the default running ``Boot-Role``. For this you can create a Role ``Init``.

Short explanation

On a binary are always two roles, an initial- and force-role.
The initial-role is used to start a service, for this its need permission to read the necessary configurationfiles.
The force-role is used to run this service, there is usally no reason for permission to read the configurationfiles as example.

However, if a service not chown to other user, the process is running alway with the initial-role. This is surly the case for the init process. So thatswhy this setup firstly.


RC role for init process

The ``init`` never change to a force role, so therefor no reason to build such one.

Save this as shell script.

# init detached BOOT_ROLE 999999 

# create role
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} name "${NAME}"

# set rc_fd_types
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_netdev_name "${NAME}_NETDEV"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_nettemp_name "${NAME}_NETDEV"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_netobj_name "${NAME}_NETOBJ"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_user_name "${NAME}_User"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_group_name "${NAME}_Group"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_ipc_name "${NAME}_IPC"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_process_name "${NAME}_Process"
rc_set_item TYPE ${TYPE} type_fd_name "${NAME}_FD"

rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_user_create_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_process_create_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_process_chown_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_process_execute_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_ipc_create_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_group_create_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_fd_create_type ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_fd_ind_create_type ${TYPE} ${TYPE}
rc_set_item ROLE ${ROLE} def_unixsock_create_type ${TYPE}

# assign init role to file
attr_set_file_dir FILE "${FILE}" rc_initial_role ${ROLE}

Toplevel Directories

Create a RC policy from scratch

Test Setup for using the RC Module.

This setup is now deprecated (25.02.2010)

It can be generated with

rc_get_item  -v -p htmlprint > rc_03.05.2009.html

A nice overview

Testing RC setup
wiki/experiences/igraltist/rc.1342903154.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/07/21 22:39 (external edit)

wiki/experiences/igraltist/rc.1342903154.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/07/21 22:39 (external edit)
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